
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Back at it

Building some momentum on this project after the cold snap.

Got hold of the first Radian Pro (ailerons plus flaps)

  • Change IMU output to resemble the regular ardupilot i.e. separate the Euler from GPS
  • Use Ardustation code to decode output from ArduIMU for stabilization
  • Test IMU stabilization with glider
  • Add fly-by-wire
  • Add navigation
  • Finally, add landing
Separately test Ardupilot 2.7 on the Apprentice
  • Fly with just the thermopiles on a warm day
  • Install the Ardupilot hardware and update the firmware
  • Add new alt control
  • Add touchdown sensor

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Take-off stabilization

Notes from conversation with 'Dree today:

Chatted about taxi module idea. Also discussed this one.

problem - takeoff is a particularly stressful stage of RC flight.  The aircraft tends to veer off course.

solution - perhaps a magnetometer or IMU to provide feedback and stabilization during this phase, especially for wheeled models.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Something old, something new..

The old plane and the new fuselage

Here is the pic and video I mentioned in the last post.  The wings are intact but the impact broke the attachment to the fuselage.

The video below is what I got off the camera.  Even though the whole system was rained on for a few days everything still works.  The movie is quite dark for the first few minutes until the plane gains some altitude and then you can make out the street level.  Near the end there is a distinct outline of a nearby school so I can make out the path that it took.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

De plaeeene, de plaeeene - Mr. Rourke! What nice neighbors

Anybody remember the 80's TV show "Fantasy Island"?  There was a little guy who would gleefully point out the arrival of their new guests.  I think he's on Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show now - or maybe his twin brother or kid, whatever.

So the short story is someone found my plane - yay.

Here's the long version..
My brilliant wifey had the idea to post some pictures of the lost plane around the area.  At first I just did it so I could say that I listened (you would not know anything about that kind of behaviour, huh) and then I forgot about it. But, behold! We get a call from a drunk sounding guy saying that he found a glider in his back yard, damaged but all the bits there.  Luckily, I met his wife when I drove over wasn't looking forward to meeting the drunk sounding guy).  It had crashed over a mile away from where I saw it last.  She was very nice and apparently heard about the lost-plane poster from a friend who had her son with her at Starbucks. What a thing.

I will post some pics.  Basically, everything was recovered.  I bought a replacement fuselage and should be back in the air soon.

I'll upload some video that was recorded during the flight.  Good for a laugh. You will see me chatting with Paige and Ellie then the glider lauches.  You don't hear me saying "Oh, nooooo" but you can just imagine as the glider drifts away, out of sight. I try to make it circle for a while but no luck.  Then I just let it glide while leaving the transmitter on.  I'm not sure why it decided to make a spiralling nose dive at the end.  It could be my doing as I drove around for a while trying to see if the rudder would wiggle on someone's roof.  The thought was I could pick this up in the corner of my eye as I drove around. Maybe it was still in the air while I was trying this..

Of course, this crash was caused by another "ratch** job" on my battery connecter for the GPS.  If this had not disconnected during my flight I could have easily recovered in flight or found the glider after it went down.

What was it I said in the video at Drumheller? - "Don't use ratches** to attach your cameras" - spoken in the voice of Mr. Bean.

** Ratch is a Trini term for a shortcut solution

Thursday, September 16, 2010

More solutions to the packaging problem

Eventually, I want to promote & sell complete systems for Aerial Photography or whatever.

If the plane is sold with the autopilot and other components pre-installed then all I need to make is "covers" for the components.

The folks at FMA direct already sell planes with Co-Pilot pre-installed.

I was inspired by these folks who do UAV Swarms

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nice strategy - line up, slow and land

The writer is trying to solve the problem of "coming in too hot".  Typicall if you try to land an RC plane, the speed increases as you pitch down resulting in an overshoot of your intended landing spot.

Various solutions are proposed including prop reversal, variable pitch and flaperons.

This guy uses a car ESC that allows thrust reversal.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gyro stabilzation for vids

Need to look into gyro stabilization for camera. 

Do a web search or look for kits

If no kit is available then we can supply one in my little shop.  Found something for kite cameras a while back.

This all fits with my goal to shoot aerial photography of destinations around the world for personal and perhaps commercial use.

Here's the Vid for "Search and Rescue"

Here is the link to the Aerial Video I shot.

Originally posted on my Youtube Channel

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Plastics, plastics, plastics!

Found a nice supplier of, well, yuh know - plastics. All candidates for vacuum forming.

Can't wait to test them.  Hopefully, will not suffer from the "blow out" problems noted with the earlier DIY supplies.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Casings anyone?

My GPS tracker product needs a case.

Here's my attempt to package the components into some kind of casing.

Pics of first run vacuum formed parts

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Battery endurance test

11.1V, 1300mAH LiPo

Fully charged > 12.53 = 4.17, 4.17, 4.18

Run till ESC engages safety

7:02.52-6:41:30 = 21:30
approx 20 mins

Empty > 9.55 = 3.16, 3.13, 3.27

Rx went from 11.1V to 10.8V in the same time.

IDEAS:  timer for flights, voltage measurement using "phigets" sensor

Friday, September 3, 2010

Just the elevator

I gotta try this as the simplest solution

1. Distance cone to home
2. H hold

Search and rescue

What a great way to use a UAV.  Finding another plane!

Set up "Opportunity" with 2 cameras and my GPS unit.  The usual crowd gathers.  Shot some spectacular video of the neighborhood in HD.

Now the work of looking for the downed plane in the raw footage (one day we'll call this memory since no film is involved).

Plane still not found yet but massive fun none the same.

Now that I'm getting the hang of aerial photography, I'm setting a goal of shooting and archiving wonderful sites around the world.  I guess I can start with nice places here in my home province.

Also, I hope to get this plany-landy thingy working one day...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Yep, it's gonna work

Paid for my replacement TX.

Had a look at the Sony and Kodak cameras.  Both are good candidates. I still need to check if they can feed a video "out" signal while recording.

Thinking of doing a search and rescue sweep of the area using my new plane to find the lost one.  This time I will be sure to send the GPS package ;)

Monday, August 30, 2010

What to do about video?

I saw my FPV system "fly away" over the last weekend :(

Doing my best to get over it and move on. This after many an hour driving around the neighborhood listening for the camera signal (GPS would have been great but..see older post)

Here's the news - everything in place for a new platform except the TX and Camera.  Was in a quandary about the camera then, BING!. I can use the Sony bloggie with the output jack, record and send SIMULTANEOUSLY.  I also have the Kodak one.

Can't wait to get home and check out the cables.  Whoohoo! < the sound of Derrick geeking out

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back in the air again

No phone calls so far about my lost plane (had my phone number written on it).  I figure if it broke a window or something, I would have heard from the angry owners by now.

Thought of doing an air sweep with another plane and HD camera..

Being a hoarder of parts and spares I managed to scrounge together enough to trade in some stuff for a new Radian. 


I am back in ze air!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

That was stupid

The windiest day we have had in a while.  I was anxious to get a flight in even though my 6-year-old said not to do it.

Sent up the Radian with an on-board camera and ground link.  Great experience but I was using the DVD display in the car.  The plane drifted more and more out of view, picture went blank - you figure out the rest.

So we bid adieu to the fair Radian.  Onto my next platform..

Friday, August 27, 2010

Display for closed loop controller
$25 + LCD ($13)

makes good combo for TX add-on

Parts list for GPS tracker

XBEE pro with U.FL
small LiPO Battery e.g. 300mAH
Lilypad XBEE

Project box and wires

Custom board to come. Assemble with off-the-shelf parts for now

OK, that's just weird

The wind was so strong yesterday that my plane was flying BACKWARDS, I kid you not.

So much for testing.  Mind you, this makes me revisit my software for landing since it' a real-world scenario.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Get back down here! Lessons in prototyping

Flight test went great. Mind you, it took about 3 passes to get the plane back down to the ground - the wind just kept it up in the air for a very long time.

Created a routine to send various values of feedback gain and centering while in flight.  The turn range adapts to the rudder center value.

The plane hit waypoint #1 very quickly but my groundstation was in the car so I did not realize this.  I ended up trying to tune it to hit that waypoint when it was really trying to move on to the next one (duh).

Short story is the waypoint navigation WORKS.

If you look at the video you will see 3 waypoints.  The landing guide goes from waypoint #3 to home. You need to fast-forward to the places where there are readings for Ch1 and K1.   This means the Autopilot was engaged.  The first time it navigates to waypoint #1 and then the number changes to 2.  All this time the computer was in the car so I cold not see this happen.  This was the one day I was too lazy to set up my usual table on the field with my computer and radio reciever - ah well, lesson for us short-cut people..Then later on I engage the Autopilot once more and the plane heads straight to waypoint #2 - of course, at this point I think it should be heading for waypoint #1 so I start messing with the gains - as soon as it is about to hit waypoint #2 I reverse the gain and it heads away (another duh) and another lesson? If it ain't broke, don't fix it?

Anyhoo, enjoy the vid.

Just need to fine tune it [the autopilot gains] now. More fun today

Next steps

Here are a few design projects that still need to make the leap off the proverbial drawing board:

- lander that uses "trainer" signal > Arduino connected to XBEE and Trainer jack in RC TX
- closed loop control of RC from Processing.  Joystick or AP
- Joystick adapter for TX > Arduino plus hacked joystick.
- Landing assist with Graphical LCD (see suppliers)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Audience from NZ

While doing my test flights in a nearby park, there have been no end of curious passers by. Some stand and watch, others look at the landing. Kids have been very enthusiastic.

Met a delightful chap and his son from New Zealand.  Roger has recently taken up this hobby with some friends.  He presently flies a ParkZone Super Cub LP and is looking to upgrade, perhaps to a glider like my Radian test platform.  We had a short flight and I demo'd the Co-pilot stabilization - great for windy days. Takes all the "stress" out if it, I mentioned.  His son saw the whole system with the Ground Station and auto-pilot.

- use Arduino "map" function to provide values for K1 feedback gain on AP
- analyze flight data from Friday. was there too much wind for AP
- try co-pilot on my SuperCub. prep for next DIYdrones competition
- add attitude info from sampleGPS to Groundstation

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Very windy day

Today's test flight was blown away.

At various times, the plane seemed to stand still in mid air.

Change color of groundstation side view plot
Change Min/Max range of rudder controls
Increase the throttle center value

Who is Space_nut?

About a year ago, I joined an online community that takes a hobbyist view at UAV's (unmanned aerial vehicles), mainly used for aerial photography or just for fun.

I needed a name so I thought about my interest in the 60's space program and viola - my screen name.

It could also mean that I'm in space most of the time as well as being nuts.  I just wanted to give you my explanation..

Last test flight

A bit cold and windy for summer.

Flew for about 30 mins.  The groundstation seemed to be OK but the feedback gain on the autopilot reported values of "0".  Wah?

Turns out the Arduino program generated the value in error because of mis-matched variable types.

Fixed the errors and all set for another test flight today

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


There are lots of new videos showing the progress on this project plus other experiments with aerial photography.

In flight programming

IDEA: with multiple switches or a 3 way switch you could allow setting of gains and other tuned parameters for the autopilot.

use a flip of the available switch to select the parameter - it should be displayed on the groundstation for confirmation.  Use the throttle to change the setting - again, the groundstation should be used to display it.

Calibration flight

IDEA: program the autopilot to perform a series of maneuvers to get settings

- max climb rate
- glideslope
- max turn angle
- turn response from max roll

These readings coul be used to feed the autopilot andavoid manual tuning

Tune the gain

When it comes to autopilots for RC planes and UAV's, nothing works "out of the box".  My stuff is no different - need to tune the feedback gain on all control elements.

So my next test flight will incorporate a tunable gain on the XY so that I can make the rudder control more sensitive (or less) to error values. When switch on the autopilot rudder commands will center and throttle commands will change the gain.  When all is good then I can flip to all-auto mode.

The ground station will now display errors and waypoints - still to modify it to display mode. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Part 2

autolander notes:

accelerometer to detect "contact"

Ultrasonics for detecting height

Use steering that is proportional to speed (air)

use speed that is proportional to distance from WP?? (Not for landing)

Try 2.6.2 - worked

Try waypoint writer - did not work

fix groundstation to work with last 3 waypoints

check prox program - why does it not send "init"? Perhaps the XBEE protection or waiting for lock

set up D/R on 6i or use futaba or hitec

prox 10-200 max at 6m - must be near surface at startup

optical 475-0 max at 4 inches

Try 2.6.2 RC

Try 2.6.2 prox

Try 2.3 or 2.5.1

Change ASP to PRX

Use Ch5 and Ch6 to trigger the 3 modes of Ardupilot

see "mode fix" program

used Spektrum DX6i and set the flap switch for full travel

Ch5 0 = 540, 1 = 954

Ch6 0 = 954, 1 = 540

Does not work with 3.3V Arduino

Will work with stamp

Da plan for Sunday

1. Easystar with battery mounted below (add wheels) and EM406 with IMU - Stabilize and Auto (pin 13, no ASP)

2. Test Apprentice with Stabilize then Auto (pin 11)

NOTE: on IMU, OUT = TX, IN = RX - I hooked OUT from GPS to IN of IMU

on Ardupilot TX = TX, RX = RX


Change servo for rudder (chewed)

Check mounting and output for airspeed sensor

Look at output for HOME settings

Re-arrange Apprentice with FMA co-pilot + Ardupilot

Check ALH = next waypoint altitude

See Jason's comments - ALH should have been 50 + the home altitude, not just 50.

That means your home was 0 when the first waypoint was read in. Not good.

I've added some verification to make sure this doesn't happen

Check prox sensor to see if it is affected by wind blowing. If not, then we may need to filter the

noise with a lowpass or Kalman

Test results: Prox reading not affected by wind. Capacitor across GND and AN worked to filter noise.

100 uF

July 15

Need larger cap on prox for stability. or maybe more math to filter out the noise

Here's a link

Try with same motor. May need to change out the 400

Also, add the cap to the uP power supply - makes no difference

Changed 400 to brushless - great thrust but confuses the IMU

Try FPV with standard 4800 bps link on audio channel, scal back accordingly.

For now, take out the ground detect routine since the EZ1 is noisy. Otherwise you will alternate between takeoff

and waypoint routines.

Perhaps use the optical sensor for height until EZ1 issues are resolved. See sensor_noise code in Arduino

Experiment with the 1/0 digital control based on ArduIMU output and Arduino increase/decrease input.

Remove tail wag routine for ground start.


Build easyglider pro with innerds from Easystar - Attach IMU+ telemetry (no control just yet) and log performance

for calibration against GPS and attitude e.g. rates for turn, climb, glide - speeds for level flight -

glide with no power

later, add camera and groundstation software

Ardupilot = servo controller - 3 bit input @ 50Hz

Arduino SB = logic, receive from IMU and send to Ardupilot


7 July 2010

Had a great test flight with the Radian and Co-pilot yesterday. Ready for GPS logging.

Connected EM406 to Sirfdemo using Jordi's adapter board.

Out (blue) > Tx

In (Yellow) > Rx

Factory reset to NMEA @4800

Great flights

GPS update for google earth is ok but not good enough for navigation (update rate too long)

Also recorded raw NMEA strings:

Data for turn rate, climb rate and descent

Can use for navigation, takeoff and landings.

Descent rate approx 0.5m/s, gradient approx 1/10 or 6 degrees

Need to adjust gain on Co-pilot

Now to work on ground station using GPS data only.

2 August 2010

Got the ground station working for GPS data. Finished the monitors for climb and turn rates.

Recorded some nice screen captures for the flights (See My Documents > Processing > GPS

Works great for navigation and plane path. Tested range up to 700m and GPS data is OK. Plane just barely

visible. Nice for glider owners.

Also compared: Google Earth, Microsoft Streets and Trips. Google earth is nice for real satellite pictures

of the area but does not update fast enough for navigation. MS Streets and Trips can give you nav data but

altitude is difficult to read (small font)

Next up:

build an easyglider > try new 2.7 AP software

Write a groundstation for IMU. Incorporate COG ILS and other indicators (fly it)

Write software for AP using IMU, Arduino Pro, Ardupilot (as a servo controller)

mount camera on easystar for FPV

use AP 2.3 with Radian for simple AP (AP controls Rudder and Throttle)

easystar with edf

cheap glider with 2 edfs

Prototype circuits:


Sparkfun cheap runs

My autopilot > ardupilot w. Co-pilot in Radian

use 2 channels 9,10

servo routine

new data flag for 50Hz loop

Ardupilot 2.3

Elevator, Rudder (Check with scope)

Throttle fed from D8 (no reading in this version)

Fri Aug 06, 2010

Servo_ardu works! Yay. Conditions - millis only works with 0017 and up

This means that the servo library will send a continuous stream of pulses. i.e. Ardupilot can feed Co-Pilot

Now I need to get a nice NMEA parser. Try to rip it from Ardupilot but stay with 4800

Worst case use the Parallax GPS

Perhaps write a program for EasyArdupilot using gyros instead of thermos

Radian Waypoints

51.128388 -114.251375

51.128711 -114.248586

51.125964 -114.249015

51.127095 -114.252062

SUnday Aug 08

Got Stoopudpilot (Planetest03) working with Groundstation16

Tested ok with signals feeding into Co-pilot.

Need to tune gains and Throttle settings

11:59 AM 8/15/2010

Included routines to record extra data when mode switch is in middle position

Flight test: Seemed to find WP1 and WP2

TODO: Add more info to groundstation> Mode, WP#, errors, TOW (to correlate log from video)

Fix wp and landing display. [done]

//try to modify AP2.7 with my h calculations

Part 1

Here are some notes on the steps i took to get the Ardupilot to

perform autolanding on a typical RC plane

USB to Serial converter

Looked at pinouts of cable from DIYDrones compared to HVWTech converter (see schematics)

Found the typical "Hello World" LED Blink program for Ardupilot (AP) board. This flashes a

LED attached to D13. We shall power the AP using the ESC plugged into Output 3

Preparing the hardware:

Use a piece of network cable and some jumpers to connect the AP to the FTDI

Using Arduino 16 software keep the default controller

9 Jul, 2009

Got HVWTech USB to Serial converter working on EEEPC

Investigating the manual over-ride feature of AP > Look for the MUX LED. OFF = Manual, ON = Autopilot

Had a look at the original [MUX] board, Stamp AP @

Had an idea for GPS circle. Calculate distance from WP and keep it constant

May want to add a digital compass > got it.

17 Jul, 2009

tested AP board programming with blink program > yay, it worked

NOTES: i did not connect the VCC wire since it was being powered by an ESC jumper

next > load the original code and check the GPS

I got a Stamp BS2e and using the wireless I plan to create a simple ground monitor to allow the AP

to confirm settings and display status when in range

18 Jul, 2009

Loaded 2.2 code > it wants a jumper to be connected :( see shield notes in AP manual

Loaded 1.0 code > it gave me a GPS lock (blue led) :)

Now want to pick apart the code starting with the GPS, perhaps send strings back to the computer.

The code seems to include a few test routines to output GPS data (See "system")

21 Jul, 2009

Figured out what jumper wire does (AP manual). See appendix 4

It connects the throttle for manual control MUX_IN to D8. These seems to be left unconnected for optional use (3-4 MUX_IN)

I may choose to put the throttle under AP control so leave this unconnected for now.

See "Servo". Controls output to servos and has a nice test routine.

Use some serial test progs like "Ascii Table" to get some data displayed on the IDE

22 Jul, 2009

Learned how to program waypoints into the setup utility. also checked home coordinates

of my house on google maps.

Possible testing areas >

Home Depot car park (ground testing), bowness park, large field in tuscany, highway extension

24 Jul

Looked for my old programs (Bs2) but no luck. Will need to do from scratch - not to worry.

Servo control using pulseout. Each unit is 2 microsec. Need pulses 0.6mS (min) to 1.5ms (center) to 2.4 ms (max)

Off time can be 10-30ms but if it is longer then the servo may jitter. The proper solution is a servo controller chip

such as the FT639 or Parallax servo controller board

An easier but more expensive solution is to use a separate BS2 or BS1 for servo control. This will "memorize" the signals that

it recieves and offload the processing of NAV data from the first BS2

Read control signals from RC unit using pulsein.

Jul 25

Looking through code for XY Sensor stuff > signals, calculations

Picked up some wire-wrap for circuits, landing gear supplies for yellow (test) plane, nylon screws

for CG idea.

Wire wrapping techniques >

Tried Chris A's GPs program with BS2 - it does not have the memory capability of the higher level stamps but I got some data out

Wiring up the BS2e (extra memory)

transferring the FTDI from AP to Stamp. remember the wires go from Rx to CTS

BS2e did not work with FTDI for some reason. Works fine with my other USB/Serial converter so will pair those.

Chris A.'s code does not work unless you are using a high level stamp capable of high speed buffering.

However, I got the SIRFDemo program to Rx GPS data directly into the computer using FTDI. Data looks great!

Should graph the "height" data to look for drift

Jul 26

nice article on using Parallax wireless Tx/Rx with arduino

Jul 27

got some GPS data out of BS2. Had to tune to 9600 baud and used the old Chris A code for Stamp based AP

Jul 28

hacking AP 1.0 code

found routines for testing the servos and reading the GPS. Blue LED for GPS Lock is D12

Time to test v1.0 with RC gear hooked up

perhaps do a waypoint with 1m height and add landing later (take out of AP control before)

Insert wireless transmitter between FTDI and AP so that you can read serial output of AP on BS2

IDEA: develop a digital protocol for sending data to AP via a spare channel on Tx with coded PWM

See >

July 29

XY sensor and Co-Pilot arrived today. yay

IDEA: graphical (BW with grey levels) representaion of XY sensor outputs using A/D from Arduino

Fixed landing gear and ailerons on yellow plane. revived 6 channel radio, charging batteries

Going through older blog posts to see the history of 2.x AP code

2.0 seems to work without the "shield"

stuff gets interesting from Feb 2009 blog

Google code repository has earlier versions of 2.x code > look options that work without the shield and z sensor.

notice the labels and bug fixes

Used windiff to look at differences in 2.2 and 2.1 code

2.1 specifically has z sensor as optional. Connect jumper between pins D6 and D7 for ground setup and sensor calibration

Tested the IR sensor with VM and A/D program. Used info in

need to ground z sensor input. works ok.

Count connections to XY sensor from "cable" going anticlockwise. First (Yaw) gives more positive results if you put hand closer.

First (Pitch - second one round) gives more positive. values between 500-600

Also, got a lock on GPS

Next - how to calibrate the XY sensor

Found it. See AP Manual and the section entitled

ArduPilot 2.1 and above (no Z sensor):

Notice that the sensor is mounted diagonally with support for reversing the physical setup

Need 2 passthrough jumpers to connect RC Rx - pick them up when I'm gettin my Eflite Apprentice checked out

IDEA: Nunchuk interface to RC tx

2.1 docs

Jul 31

Assembled Eflite apprentice platform. Had some bugs so took it back to hobby shop. All good now.

Looked into brushless conversion for Piper Cub.

Picked up a 4 line LCD display and a spare Ardupilot (in case of burnout)

Also picked up a simple RC car platform for testing.

Now working on landing algorithm. []=subroutines, ()= optional

Pseudocode for landing algorithm:


read start runway coordinates

read end runway coordinates

Wait until landing command detected

calculated waypoints till runway start using best route and [glideslope]


goto waypoints until ground detected

end loop

ground detected

flare - switch to hieght maintenance

droprate (until touchdown)

cut engine and switch to manual or taxi and park (need other coordinates)

OK, tested the AP with servos and XY sensor. 3 modes show correctly with LEDs. Manual mode works ok but there is some

jitter in the servos, possibly due to noise from the GPS data

Checking the config tool,-114.24916&spn=0.001108,0.003176&t=h&z=18

Testing location using GPS


51123324 -114249248

51123336 -114249320

51123340 -114249360

Google maps is slightly off compared to the GPS measurements. For navigation purposes this is ok but for landing

we will need to use field measurements

Still need to figure out connection for Throttle? A - it seems from the code that D8 is used so we should solder the jumper

Use BS2e for data logging? Timestamped GPS data

Ready to test Piper Cub platform:

- Wiring AP onto plane

- Loading waypoints for test site (bring GPS for Microsoft Streets and Trips)

- Do early missions

Aug 1

tested platforms (no AP, just manual)

Piper Cub needed mods to landing gear for stability

Apprentice got damaged (Ellie stepped on it out in the field) - repairs complete

Put jumpers on AP board for more solid connections

Tested AP board out in the open. Tried to calibrate XY sensor but power from 4 pins next to GPS - They are actually unregulated!

nearly burned out the XY sensor but it seems to be OK

IDEA: use BS2 to act as Tx input to AP for simulations

This is working. Using BS2 the limits of pulsout are 1150(max), 250 min (multiply by 2uS for real pulse length)

Did a demo video showing

- operation of the XY sensor for leveling in flight

- correct operation of LEDs for 3 modes (Manual, Waypoint and RTL)

IDEA: Take AP on drive down the hill in the Athletic Park. Check the operation of the hieght readings and

look for consistency.

Checked the waypoints in AP memory - still good i.e. this does not get overwritten if you reprogram (cool)


Proximity sensor tests

Wireless interface

Need 3D plotter for waypoints to check the accuracy of height measurements

Adri put me onto Sketchup using Ruby scripts - found cloud.rb > test it

Aug 3

tested the AP for consistent height data by driving down a hill while data logging

The Sketchup plot works. Bad news is the H data is showing a weird pattern.

Either the data is time lagged or the GPS is extrapolating in some way.

I did not notice variations in the RAW GPS data.


Do the drive test with RAW GPS data

Plus stuff from Aug 1

Aug 4

Picked up a ParkZone powered glider for long range testing

Another GPS module

IDEA: project hobby laser with modulated output > sparkfun


Tested the DIRSS optical proximity sensor. Actually, it can give both analog

and digital (serial) output. The analog works fine but the output is logarithmic - it's ok

for my purposes.

Tested SRF01 ultrasonic module. Works with an edited version of the demo program.


sends serial data to the Arduino monitor. Got it to display readings in cm

Decided to use the Optical sensor with BS2 and ultrasonic with Arduino

Aug 5

Picked up Parallax GPS unit for comparison plus some Xbee modules for

ground station (1.5 mile range)

managed to reset the EM406A GPS to 9600 NMEA mode using SIRFDemo program

Performed a second H resolution test on EM406 using 9600 NMEA mode. Better continuity

but still produces H drift

Successfully connected Parallax GPS > ready for testing H resolution

IDEA: use "Processing" to test XY sensor

IDEA: use picaxe 8M or 14 for ADC and Passthrough (like MUX and XY sensor)

there is a nice 8M dev board with servo connections


Aug 6

Did some testing of the Parallax GPS but lost sat-lock while driving

Focussing on simple proximity activated program on BS2

IDEA: Use Parallax Ping sensor with Servo bracket

Aug 7

Had no end pf problems with both SRF01 and DIRRS rangefinders. Noisy and intermittent output..

Solarbotic kindly refunded my $ (SRF01). The DIRRS I will convert to analog output for Takeoff use. Got the analog cable

Picked up the Parallax Ping))) and a LV-MaxSonar EZ1

Both worked beautifully. It seems simpler to use pulses than serial info. This meshes nicely

with the Servo control.

Can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Decided to work on the simplest of designs >

keep plane at setpoint height then adjust setpoint till landed safely

add more complexity later

'v1.1 Aug 7, 09

'building prototype using BS2 Stamp Stack

'range of servo pulse is 250 TO 1150 which translates to 500uS to 2300uS

'center value is around 750 which translates to 1500uS

'Ch5 switch up = 1037, down = 484

'Ch2 elevator range 550-950, centered around 750, adjustable offset +/-50


'Got basic input of Ch2 & Ch5 with servo control and height sensor

'Got feedback loop working


'test On plane For servo reverse and correct operation

'remove DEBUG lines and check loop speed

'power supply for ping sensor

'v1.2 Aug 8, 09

'built physical computing prototype on BS2e

'operation ok in test lab

'Test in plane - Ch5 passthrough ok, autoheight jumpy

'test here with BS2 and user input for proximity

'removed pauses for field testing. This works and got rid of the "jumpiness"

Aug 10

Got the working prototype into the plane but encountered limitations when testing. Bug is that program takes some time to activate. Investigating.

It seems that the servo load is reseting the processor. This only happens in the bypass mode. Also, the powering the

sensor from the regulator on the processor may be causing a problem.


5V 1A Switching voltage regulator

(SKU# 50210)

$17.45 USD


(SKU# 35231)

$27.45 USD

PICAXE-08M SMD Project Board

(SKU# 28517)

$12.45 USD

PICAXE Programming Cable (USB)

(SKU# 28405)

$21.95 USD

Reflecting on the "flight testing" I'm realizing that takoff is as complex

(if not more) than landing. The plane has to be constantly corrected for drift

in the steering, wait for lift and then ease on the up-elevator

IDEA: use the vibration sensor to detect lift in takoff, use GPS to keep plane steady i.e. control the steering and rudder based on pre-programmed coordinates,

perhaps use the Co-pilot (only aileron) to stabilize


check reversal of front landing gear for stability

Check reseting problem to see if it happens with processor in plane

Check if Voltage regulator will solve the problem (possibly use a digital buffer)

***** Need a reset button on the BS2e

Aug 11

Solved reset problem (See code)

Thought through auto takeoff by autoland mode with elevator brought down and released slowly

Did pseudocode for Straight Line flight based on Parallax GPS


test "fly straight" on car

test Ardupilot 1.0 on car and glider (2.0 can work too)

test Autotakeoff and Autoland with hop mission

practice flight with microlight Sukhoi

test Ardupilot 1.0 with Apprentice, then add autoland

First doc on Hardware setup for Ardupilot 1.0 and 2.x

ll=51.151258,-114.207403 for landing site


Aug 12

Thinking of adding my autolander between FMA copilot and RC Rx on 1.0 setup


Ch5 will toggle both Co-pilot and autolander

Ch6 will toggle Ardupilot

Test Ardupilot with car and replace RC with Futaba 6 Ch

Car test




Loaded Waypoints in v10

car test failed. It wandered aimlessly

Tried changing reversing the servo. Nothing

Tried setup in plane. No intelligible output. The rudder flipped

in one direction with no apparent pattern.

Getting frustrated with Ardupilot..

OK, some investigation showed that my GPS normally operates at 9600

even though v10 code sets it at 4800

Seems to give an intelligible output now with bearing and distance to WP making sense

New problems:

small negaive values of height show up as unsigned huge numbers

after a while, the values drift

Rudder instructed to move in jumpy increments and flips between +25 and -35 degrees.

May still be worth another field test..

Aug 17

did another field test but getting battery restart problems on car platform

IDEA: independent power supplies

AP + Steering on small battery

Main power/motor with direct speed control

repaired micro plane platform

picked up multiplex microjet for testing vtail mixing

Aug 18

designated SITES for testing

SITE A > car park behind Supermarket - waypoint testing car, plane without wings

and micro plane

SITE B > large park closeby - good for heli and small plane. grass too rough for


SITE C > main test site for autolander - roads under construction

SITE D > nose hill park - good for long range tests of AP

IDEA: navigation in high wind with course-over-ground vs throttle

tested v1.6 autolander at SITE C

again, wind was quite strong

autolander at "Takeoff" mode needs adjustment of the elevator

it caused the plane to jump during the hop test.

a second pass go the plane off the ground then wind crashed it. seems ok

need to straighten the landing gear

moved on to powered glider at site D

had a few test flights. managed to return to the ground safely but again the

high winds are a challenge. got some real altitude with the last flight

then went down out of sight. found it & decided to call it a day.

IDEA: homing beacon or wireless GPS signal for lost planes

IDEA: start a blogger and youtube account for project stuff

worked on "fly straight" program. course and bearing approach made simpler

by simply using "distance from straight" line approach.

needs testing on car - my prog & Ardupilot

looked at pwmpal and parallax servo controller on HVWtech

Need a separate prog for "takeoff"

tune wheel vs rudder

perhaps add wing stabilization and straight-line rudder/steering control


develop "throw" type settings using landing prog (should work with glider)

Aug 20

AP 23 out

new waypoints,-114.249455&spn=0.000682,0.001738&t=h&z=19,-114.249345&spn=0.000682,0.001738&t=h&z=19,-114.248916&spn=0.000682,0.001738&t=h&z=19

Aug 21

IDEA: use microjet in Time Trust Trials - Roll stabilize with ultrasonics, use my flystraight algorithm for rudder

perhaps usereversible prop!

This would require 2 sensors and AL2x software

Nice Arduino hacking info

lookup math.h in arduino docs and implement "flystraight" routine

Tests ready to go:

Car with AP23

Apprentice with AL20 (use SS2 and power pings with pins)


Radian with AP22 + AL1x (Use BS2e then try PICAXE)

Microjet with AP23 + AL20 (Add tail rudder & motor)

IDEA: eagle files for Air-stamp and V-Stamp boards

IDEA: prototype for CG heli w GPS

GET: linear sensor from parallax > horizon detection

GET: 2 small servos and reversible prop kit, roll of servo wire with ends

Aug 23

IDEA: Home security robot

crawler + "legs" to assist in climbing stairs

Tested car with AP23 AGAIN. No luck. Tried reversing roll variable, moving outputs.

At least the Throttle works with independent power. Getting a GPS lock @9600 baud

4800 baud did not give a GPS lock

Nice site for Roll, Pitch and Yaw

Rudder controls Yaw

Ailerons control Roll

Elevator controls pitch

Aug 24

Fixed the error formula on my "flystraight" algorithm.

Hooked up Parallax Optascope

Looked at signals from GPS 4 pin header. 5V, GND, TX, RX

Connected to TX, GND on the FTDI interface

TX shows Ardupilot output

Rx shows raw NMEA output

Both are @9600

Tried to program GPS while connected to Ardupilot. Does not work because Ardupilot is sending its

own signals.

Checked VCC out of Ardupilot. Reading 5V but this is because the battery is @5V. VCC should read the battery level


test "flystraight" in Arduino code (won't run easily in BS2 because of floating point math - see below)

debug signals in AL22. Suspect digital buffer needed for servo signals

investigate "trainer" signal in Spektrum transmitter

get AP to work at 4800 baud so we can send NMEA data from plane to ground (did it!)

nice link on bs2, adc0831 and picaxe 8m as slave processor

Using Bs2 for coordinate math?

Sine function accepts 8 bit angle and returns a 16 bit answer

Variable up to 65535

If you use a resolution of 0.1m on the GPS then you are limited to about 6.5 km or 3.2 km for +/- values

result is in the range -32767 to +32767

Need to demonstrate correction of rudder (plane) or steering (car) relative to a defined straight line.

Aug 26

scope capture of signals.

period and amplitude changes - see scope folder

rx - 3v, 45hz, duty cyle 4-8%


micro, 5v, 22.7-45 hz, loses every other pulse

micro with ch5 on, 740us on, 3.68ms off


16 hz, ch5 off

2 hz, ch5 on pulse width 124ms

Nice article on Tx trainer signal

Can use this for Modulation of serial commands to RC aircraft in flight

Aug 27

fixed bs2 autolander for Apprentice. ready for flight test and tuning. needed longer delay in passthrough mode

Ardupilot board - writing my own software

got all LED's, inputs and outputs to work i.e. servo in and out with MUX

Lovely article on 'Duino with lots of links and discussion

Aug 28

Got parallax GPS to talk to Arduino,-114.249079&spn=0.002539,0.006952&t=h&z=17


checking resolution of GPS - 6 decimal places on LAT/LON, ok

Lost site c to contstruction :(

Investigate site near home

need GPS waypoints to check flystraight

using front and back of the house.




lat is Y

lon is X

Parallax GPS giving bad resolution. NMEA values look better.

Got it working!

Now to calculate distance and error

Got a valid error signal

Need to add gain and waypoint switcher > got that working

Need to tune gain

measured waypoints for car test

51.12456, -114.24900

51.12488, -114.24948

51.12520, -114.24862,-114.24909&spn=0.001364,0.003476&t=h&z=18,-114.249487&spn=0.001364,0.003476&t=h&z=18,-114.248918&spn=0.001364,0.003476&t=h&z=18

Data for site A

wp_lat[1]= 51124204;

wp_lon[1]= -114248912;

wp_alt[1]= 150; //meters

wp_lat[2]= 51124848;

wp_lon[2]= -114249456;

wp_alt[2]= 200; //meters

wp_lat[3]= 5112508;

wp_lon[3]= -114248872;

wp_alt[3]= 150; //meters

wp_lat[4]= 51124848; //enter home

wp_lon[4]= -114249456;

wp_alt[4]= 150; //meters


wp_lat[1]= 51123364;

wp_lon[1]= -114249288;

wp_alt[1]= 150; //meters

wp_lat[2]= 51123134;

wp_lon[2]= -114249082;

wp_alt[2]= 200; //meters

wp_lat[3]= 51123278;

wp_lon[3]= -114248634;

wp_alt[3]= 150; //meters

wp_lat[4]= 111; //enter home

wp_lon[4]= -111;

wp_alt[4]= 150; //meters

Gain too high and car drives in circles

IDEA: use adaptive gain and sliding window plus extrapolation

find center pulselength of servo

focus on glideslope and direction (like ILS), leave navigation to AP

don't forget the SIMPLE one transducer lander based on PICAXE

Aug 31

Did not get to enter Time trials on DIYDrones (sigh)

However, I finished the Microjet platform and wrote BS2e code for flight stabilization in takeoff and landing.

Checked out football field site for testing. They formally lock up at 10pm.

Can't wait to flight test tomorrow.


use small "jerks" on servo instead of constant turn.

develop a "calibration" program or mode to get straight path for car.

can use calibration for plane BUT must be adaptive for wind. may use COG.

need math to find best circle through a set of x,y coordinates.

also need a "servo buffer" which accepts a pulse width and repeats it

Photodiodes from Active, sparkfun or hvw

Sept 1

Interesting interface for controller to pc

flight test failed :( crashed within 15 ft. not enough speed and turned to one side..

even have video!

ah, well. back to the old drawing board as they say. re-design cycle.

nice refs for patents

convert units (GPS)

Sept 2

Went flying with Todd. Intention was to check the functionality of the prototype

landing assist module. My apprentice had a loose servo horn connector which made it lose

control :( What a week!

Hoping to do some simple testing with a ParkZone SuperCub.

Sept 3

weather is against me today

instead, worked on GPS guidance and improved program for 2 sensor stabilization on Apprentice

interesting arduino baloon project

Educator in electronics ponders the arduino

Sept 7

New TTT on Oct 4!

rewrote "Flystraight". Getting a nitro (gas) plane for testing.

Looked at Diydrones parallax UAV. He used XY coordinates with OR for hit (instead of circle).

Sept 9

home depot




wp_lat[1]= 51107566;

wp_lon[1]= -114240381;

wp_alt[1]= 150; //meters

wp_lat[2]= 51107542;

wp_lon[2]= -114239777;

wp_alt[2]= 200; //meters

wp_lat[3]= 51107818;

wp_lon[3]= -114239767;

wp_alt[3]= 150; //meters

Tested car at Home Depot site. "Turn" activated a few times but the turn circle seems too tight. A few things fell off while testing (Radio TX and RX)

IDEA: use the compass module to give direction data for small turns, increase the turn radius. Log data for GPS while

driving and executing "turn" and "nudge". Secure the payload better.

Looked at data sheet for multiplexer. It can handle only 2 inputs at a time. This seems ok. can always use 2 chips for 4 inputs

IDEA: use gps in and around the house to get an idea of the resolution

IDEA: work with sliding window for x, y and z data

Sept 10

Flight tested LA (landing assist) on apprentice. OK flight without. High winds on test takeoff - plane dive

Need to tune landing assist so it does not correct for above Setpoint (just below). This may produce a "bouncing" effect

before stabilizing. We can add damping later. Try Landing only then takeoff - different parameters


voltage regulator

voltage and current sense for battery > interesting way to share data with multiple apps


1 - single ping landing assist

2 - dual ping landing assist

3 - autonomous landing

4 - computer assisted landing - training cable

Sept 12

found nice practice site near Bearspaw school

Sept 13

repaired Apprentice

re-wrote AL

Analog input

Arduino - 10 bit

Picaxe - 8 bit

1023 could be mapped to the useful range of an 11.1V LiPo with an Op Amp

PICAXE in schools

IDEA: use charging plug to monitor voltage

Passive flight monitor with ground station

Sept 19

IDEA: Parallax autopilot board

Need for simplicity, again... Too many options and stuff too complicated

Q - simplest landing assist?

A - bs2 with one sensor

Q - simplest autolander?

A - Arduino with Co-pilot stabilization

Q - simplest monitor?

A - GPS with XBEE

All can be modified later.

Q - Simplest product

A - landing assist using picaxe and MUX

Sept 17

Test Compass module on BS2 using WAM hardware

Check out Parallax new SD reader $14 !!!

OLED serial display on Sparkfun

Sept 18

stil getting errors on ground detect

seems to be rooted in issues with nested if in pbasic or

Sept 19

Test flight on Easystar - ok

Compass and ping on Arduino


includes a ref to EM406 plus other useful tutorials

Sept 20

rewrote AL for arduino (landassist_00)

version of flystraight including compass (flystraight_17)


create a flat circuit holder to mount on the car (test flystraight_17)

try Co-pilot stabilization in Apprentice - did it! worked great!

add landassist_00 to Apprentice

try AP with EASYSTAR

fun > try synapse and flying wing with reverse/hover

start building Beaver


use LT-40 kit to build a long distance UAV for search and rescue

need rangevideo FPV set

use processing to interpret landingassist00 data

get xbee working for GPS data

IDEA: use OLED for HUD > Skiers, rc fliers

Oct 3

tested compass on arduino

first flight with camera on Easystar


transfer electrics from Apprentice to Quattro

test simple AL on Easystar

See youtube for aereal video using Quattro

Nice flight over the Badlands in Drumheller, Alberta

Plane crashed due to an broken servo horn but can be repaired


May 15

It's my bday. Not much done since last time since I lost my work area

due to our recent addition (Jodie)

Now re-inspired to work on the autolander project since it is now

a TTT competition on Diydrones. Sparkfun had a similar event giving

extra credit for autonomous landing. The Diydrones competition seems

more up my ally and I've clarified the rules with the organizers.

Now dusting off my old microcontrollers. The last program I tested

was the ground rover with Ardupilot and Parallax GPS with wireless comms.

Re-aligning the wire-bridge between the Arduino and my (HVWtech) ftdi

using the CTS connection as a guide

Getting comms using Hyperterminal with "Flystraight03" settings

Waiting for GPS lock

results seem to be in line with "Flystraight17" program - that

one included routines for the compass. Loaded but never tested.

Readings can be seen at Com8 (FTDI) using 4800 baud

Got compass working for low speed orientation


Wiring for proper mounting in car or plane

Math for low-speed motion

Testing on ground

Add proximity sensor and vibration sensor (may need to offload to stamp)

then send all the readings in serially

perhaps group GPS, vibration and compass - leave proximity

as analog or group with others as serial

Test the final taxi/stop routines

Test the landing routine

May 16

uncovered a major error with my direction routines.

now fixed

tested servo controls, added ramp functions

May 18

Encountered a reset problem with the rig

turned out to be the servo's require more power

will work with an external battery when servo's are hooked up

May 20

need to set up wireless comms

program XBEE's using Sparkfun XBEE explorer boards

can test with hvw ftdi and lilypad

see youtube

feed sample angles to "glideslope" program to ensure proper treatment

of large or negative angles

try various lat/lon coordinates to check the correct operation of

"error" value (change the order of waypoints to use different orientations of "error". Rotate compass completely)

add programming for speed and altitude control

build and test contact (vibration) sensor

build "brakes"

integration testing

add wireless groundstation comms

May 30


finally got the car navigation to work

installed GPS and Co-pilot in plane

startup procedure:

power on PLANE

power tx

power xbee rx

Use Google earth or MS Streets and Trips to plot realtime data

Use GPS visualizer to plot nmea or other log files

Track options > Altitude mode: absolute (for flights)

Waypoint options > Altitude mode: Absolute floating

Consider making the delay for Rudder pulse proportional to speed

if using the ArduIMU you need to do a MOD

May 31

did a flight test (manual) to test telemetry. XBee performed to spec and

was able to get good plots of the flight path from Google Earth.

had some problems with underpowered throttle. turned out to be a bad

battery so replaced it.

June 1

want to send up plane under full autonomous control with telemetry.

my own version of the software for ardupilot uses Parallax GPS

with a simple servo routine. this needs to be tested when it works

alongside the co-pilot stabilization hardware

also need to test ESC control from ardupilot

if this fails, will need a "buffer" program (from BS2 or picaxe say) that accepts

pulses or serial comms and send constant updates to servos

also, the system will eventually end up in a plane with ailerons

i should just test the rudder and throttle/elevator controls WITHOUT the co=pilot

the final system will use co-pilot for ailerons and perhaps elevator. will experiement with throttle/elevator combination for ALT control

plan to use Rudder and Throttle control for TO/Landing - may need to

inject signals into stabilization (Aileron/Elevator) - will test

on Spektrum, use channel 5/6 for ardupilot/stabilization

perhaps I will stick with the Easystar and just add the prox sensor

to tune landings

Throttle < Ground_speed (add BS2 for buffer)

Elevator < altitude

Rudder < heading

(tune gain and delay, even leave in position if error is too large)

re-wire with wire-wrap

perhaps re-write code for NMEA parsing (try it with nmea.h and servo.h)

routine for calibration

routine for autoland from "anywhere" (try with Radian and camera)

NOTE: XBEE can be powered from battery

(GPS should still be powered from Ardupilot +5V)

Still need to write "Processing" code for XY and Z plots

use 2D primitives and serial input

later add image from Google Earth


self powered GPS location transmitter from > Em406 GPS, XBEE & +5V power

BS2 pseudocode for "buffer"

old value = zero pulse width


pulsin from ESC signal > new value

did it timeout? Y>use old value N>use new value

store new value in old value


delay 20ms

June 3

Problem when Ardupilot is feeding co-pilot (wants a continous servo signal)

Looked at Ardupilot firmware 2.6 to solve this

If this works then all I will need is an "over-ride" program for the elevator. This could be tested with Ardupilot hardware

Pseudocode for ground detection (elevator over-ride)

//test this with low levels

setup "listener" port for elevator

put Ardupilot board in "passthrough" mode

setup ground_detect height


read elevator servo pulse > elevator

check elevator (use analog signal)

if height < ground_detect


// ground level has been detected

go to ground level routine();




keep board in passthrough mode

add an appropriate delay // test with scope


ground level routine()

calculate elevator signal based < elevator pulse, height

e.g. elevator = elevator - (k*height);

First test this using Ardupilot board

then transfer to arduino mini + MUX chip

If using code 2.6 then use ConfigTool or Waypoint Writer for entry

Will need to cut the XY sensor wire and create a "pluggable" connection. That way you can use the Co-Pilot OR Ardupilot

IDEA: You can try to send GPS signal also to the Arduino MINI for

ground level Landing and Taxi routines

2:39 AM 6/6/2010

Ardupilot 2.6 is assembled and ready for testing

12:53 AM 6/9/2010

Had a good test flight at Bearspaw school ground. Manual and Stabilize mode worked well.

Fly by Wire was drifting. Power was also resetting.


new header file

trim the plane in flight

adjust the CG so it does not climb

add a capacitor to the PS

Feel ready to try AUTO

Also, I want to add the proximity sensor and modify the altitude

routine to use "home_alt + prox" if we detect the ground

Code in Navigate TAB, get_altitude_above_home(void)